Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On my way to the Bakery...

I woke up early this morning, and I got out of bed, and I took the dog to "A Taste of Denmark" on the corner of 34th and telegraph. This is a surprisingly dodgy corner.
As I crossed the 34th Street Overpass, which passes over the Train Tracks, a bit of ghraffiti caught my eye.
The graffiti said-
While i was at the bakery, I got something called a chess pie. It makes me feel like homer Simpson... precious venus....gaarrahrhrhr.....sweet sweet can.... it makes me wish I had another one right now!

And i got a coffee. The coffee, was not good. I still have some, and it's making me sweat and wishing I had more Chess pie.

The Graffiti said "The system isn't broken. It's Fuckt!"
This i understand to be a revolutionary statement.
It implies that the system did not 'break', that things have not gone 'wrong'.
I don't interpret this as saying things work, or being a denial of the problems. I take it to be more of a way to say society is functioning the way it was set out to function. The problems we are having are not an accident. Amerikkkan society has not somehow gotten off track.

Kanye West was wrong. It's not just black people Amerika doesn't give a shit about. It's all people.
And as far as it goes, Amerika cares about black people to the extent that 'black people' can be of use to the machine. So Kanye West was doubly wrong. Even though he's a genius, a genius, a goddamn genius.

And to take this to it's conclusion, we are successfully hoodwinking ourselves with our own rhetoric.
Amerikans like to focus on how we 'freed' the slaves, have a free democracy, and are the greatest fucking country on the planet.
And I am coming to think that this is a way to brush what is really going on under the rug. We can say we are working to end racism, and making things better for women, and even giving homosexuals their civil rights.
But whats really happening is the human animal as a whole is being degraded further. We no longer have open slavery, but there continue to be people existing in virtual wage slavery.
A 'black' man can be president, but a black man can still be shot in the back by the BART police who get off with man slaughter charges.
And we can say we live in a 'post racial' society and this means we don't have to deal with how racist we are.
Ever one knows Asian women can's drive. Obama isn't 'black' enough because he speaks English well. Hillary Clinton is a high priced call girl who can be a powerful women who acts like a man.
So what's really happening here?
All I can say for sure is that it isn't a broken System,

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